24 May 2007

My Mom's Birthday and the Toby Keith Concert

First and formost, Happy Birthday to my wonderful Mom...she's 65 years young! My card may not make it to you on time, but I'll call you bright and early to be certain I am the first to wish you a good day!

Happy Birthday also goes out to Andra's Dad, Bill! His birthday was on the 20th.

Last night we were entertained by Toby Keith. He put on a one hour show for us and really put his heart in to it. I am not much of a country music fan, but I will gladly listen to any Toby Keith music from now on. There were around 400 soldiers and civilians who came out to hear the show. He's travelled all around the Middle East playing for soldiers in some of the most remote areas on his USO tour. He told us 21 days out of his year was the least he could do for the rest of us serving over here away from our families and in the name of American ideals and freedom. He even sat in on a re-enlistment of a bunch of soldiers too.
Enjoy the following pictures...

Leave it to the Aussies to bring the fun to the party! It was a matter of 10 minutes from when the crowd formed for the concert that they produced the Aussie flag beach ball.

Toby was given an ACU uniform shirt with his name and bunch of unit patches. He opened the concert wearing the shirt and a 3rd Infantry Division hat for about 5 numbers. It was still around 95 degrees at 8pm when the show started!
With little vinettes between songs, some of the numbers he played were: A Little Less Talk and a lot More Action, Not as Good as I Used To Be, Whiskey Girl, Runnin' Block, and about 12 more. I was about 125 ft back from the stage but was able to get good digital zoom with my camera for these pictures.

One more week until my 4 day pass. Those 4 days will be the only days I have had off since my arrival and the only ones I'll get before I leave Iraq in August.


JJ's said...

I knew you had a little country in you. Ha. We miss you. Stay safe and know we are a l w a y s thinking of you. JJ

Anonymous said...

this is megan from mrs.altons class.

that is really cool you guys got to have a concert from toby keith.
my mom LOVES him. we went on here today so i could leave the memorial day comment and she was looking at all the toby keith pictures. she met him twice and she has pictures with him and has all his cd's. she also thinks its really cool you guys got to see him in iraq =)

hope all is well.
stay strong.
-Megan & Lori ( Megans Mom )