22 February 2007

Rainy Days and Down Time

Our group is so big we had to split in half for Phase 4 training. Thus I am hanging out this week doing shelf checks at the BX and diving into my Body For Wife gym program. We start our training next week and conclude with a 100 question test.

This is the rainy season and once again the base is a soggy soup of mud. You get used to it after a while and forget about the mud streaks on your pants and tracking gravel and mud everywhere. This place is still better than when I left it in 2004 which keeps me happy.

I now have a mailing address:

Maj Mark Stoller
MNC-I / TF Troy / JCCS-1
APO AE 09342-1400

I am not in needof anything, but have never been known to pass up brownies or chocolate chip cookies. :) Letters will also make my day too!

For the first time, in the 5 days we've been here, we watched as 3 mortars dropped in on the base. Most likely 62 or 84mm. The third one landed near the palace with a deep thud and grey smoke. All necessary units were dispatched. We'll get the skinny on it later and will go exploring the 1/4 mile down the road to see the damage. Life in a combat zone.

1 comment:

daveandkathi said...

missed you at homebuilders tonight... your sister-in-law was great, but just not you... had a couple of laughs on you... sounds like you have a nice bed! Dave says..."can you get as good a cup of coffee as i make?"