06 February 2007

Qualification and Heavy Weapons

Today was a typical Army training day...long periods of inactivity with spurts of productivity that makes one feel as if something were accomplished. I shot Expert on the 9mm pistol today placing 36 of my 40 rounds on target from the standing, kneeling, and prone position. My next accomplishment was receiving training on the Mk19 40mm grenade launcher, the .50 caliber machine gun (with a range of 4 miles), and the M-249 Squadron Assault Weapon. Really cool stuff and will be fun to shoot tomorrow. These are called heavy weapons...because they are heavy. Really. Normally, they are mounted on top of Hummers and are manned by someone standing through a hole in the roof and shooting from the top of the vehicle. We need to be familiar with these weapons in case the gunner is hit on a convoy and we need to stand in his/her place. Lastly, we did Flex fire. This is quick reaction, instinctive, and relatively unaimed fire. (See picture above)
My 12+ hour day is complete and time to give up the computer to one of a bunch of people standing in line.

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